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Asia-Pacific region will become the world's largest flexible packaging market.

2011-12-17  Read: 271

Not long ago, PCIFilms consulting firm analysis of the report, the Asia-Pacific region will surpass North America and Europe, became the largest regional markets flexible packaging. World flexible packaging market is expected at an average annual rate of 4.6 percent growth in 2010 will reach nearly 56 billion U.S. dollars.

Over the past 5 years, the world flexible packaging growth to 3.7 percent of consumption, the market value in 2008 reached 50 billion U.S. dollars. The report also pointed out that the market remains the fastest-growing China and India, these two countries flexible packaging sales are expected to average global growth rate of more than 3 times the rate of growth. Mature Western European market is predicted that the annual growth rate will not exceed 1%.

"2008 World flexible packaging market," the report pointed out that the global market due to the Asian market, especially India and China's sustained and rapid growth of markets and growth.

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