Spain plastic "canned" Packaging Technology
2011-12-17 Read: 308
Valencia, Spain, Agricultural Chemistry and Food Technology Research polymer so instead of the traditional metal packaging cans, this technology has recently held in Barcelona, an international packaging and cans on award-winning exhibitions.
DuPont Spanish experts Tomas said: "The new materials can cut off the air, sunlight, moisture or other micro-organisms to enter the container's internal channels." Adoption of a new type of plastic packaging can extend the canned food shelf life , such as canned cream soup cold shelf life of up to one year.
Promoters of this technology, Valencia, agricultural chemical and Food Technology Institute katala said: "At our laboratory has achieved many important results, but only to the actual production stage, in order to prove that this Whether or not the material currently on the market with the canned products to compete. "At present, the United States Heinz Company of such polymeric materials have been used instead of the traditional metal packaging cans.
Catala said that "does not exist on the ideal significance of the canned material. From the health point of view should be the best materials are glass, but its shortcomings are unable to withstand the sun."
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